Animal and Plant Based Protein

The animal based higher quality proteins does not equate into more healthy proteins for you. High-quality proteins assimilate into your body very quickly where a low-quality plant-based protein allows for slower synthesis which is more healthy. Slow and steady gets-r-done.
Plant proteins don't come with the completeness that animal proteins do from the perspective of matching the human proteins that we need for survival, but we can be confident that by eating a natural variety of plants we are getting all the essential amino acids that we need. Plus we reduce the health problems that come with meat eating.
The problem with getting your protein from animals is that eating animal flesh is highly acidic. It leaches calcium from your bones. Meat is also highly toxic due to all the antibiotics and artificial hormones that they are feeding animals today to get higher production (bigger and fatter) out of them. Three guesses what happens to you when you eat meat with these chemicals in them. This is hard on your liver and kidneys. Because they detoxify your body it's a lot more work on them. It also takes much more energy from your body to break down and digest animal flesh, reducing our bodies of a vital life force. Not only that but it's eating meat that causes a spike in insulin leading to insulin resistance and atrophy of the pancreas that sets the stage for type 2 diabetes. No matter how lean the meat you eat it still continues to increases fat and cholesterol, which leads to cardiovascular problems like heart disease, atherosclerosis, and stroke.
There are many other harmful effects when we consume dairy products. It takes six acres to raise one cow and many families could be sustained on the same acreage. Cows (steers) are the number one contributor to the greenhouse gasses in our climate. Economically the dairy industry is not self-sustaining, they have to be subsidized with our taxes. One pound of beef requires 1,799 gallons of water to produce. One steer dresses out to 750 lbs so it takes one million, three hundred fifty thousand gallons of water to get one 1,200 lbs steer ready for market. Not to mention the pain and cruelty these animals suffer. That is what people support when they eat a hamburger.
When we eat a plant-based diet, the consequences are huge. We live a longer healthier life and our footprint on the environment is small.